Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Sunday Scribblz

"You got to have the Want To”

As a basketball player, a big reason why I improved was because I WANTED TO.
I had a DESIRE to get better. I did not practice out of duty or obligation it was a PASSION that I had and I practiced with EXTREME EMOTION. I saw a lot of other players stay the same and never improve as a basketball player, because they did not have that want to factor.

I am learning the same is true in my relationship with Jesus.
DESIRE is the primary fuel for spiritual growth.
If I want to grow as a Christian, I got to have the WANT TO!

We talk a lot about duty and doctrine but what about desire?

Am I driven to know Jesus more intimately?
Do I want to be like Him?
Or am I going through the motions out of obligation?

I want to be like the guy in the Psalms;
As the deer pants for the water, so my soul for you, o God.
My soul thirsts for God, the living God” (Psalm 42:1-2)

Read the Psalms and pray that God will give you a hunger and thirst for Him!


carsonbelmont said...

Finally the long awaited blog of Rick D. Now I may die in peace. Congrats!

carsonbelmont said...

Also I could not agree more with your blog. The Psalms are a great place to learn how to love God and see examples of David longing for God.

Andrew said...

its a joy to have you around here

A Smith said...

I like it....

carly said...

are blogs look the same

e_diflorio said...

Hey bro! I finally found your blog! Very interesting thoughts :o)
Look forward to reading more!

Unknown said...

Hi! It was good to see you. I don't know if you are going for the every-six-months do a blog post style, but if so you are due for a blog!