Sunday, June 24, 2007

Let's talk behind people's backs!!!

We need to talk behind our friends backs more. We need to tattle tale on them more.
That is what a guy named Epaphras did back in the day.

The letter of Colossians says,
"Epaphras informed us of your love in the Spirit" (Colossians 1:8).

Epaphras was telling Paul that the Christians at Colosse were doing well in their faith and love for one another.
It seems to me that Epaphras was often talking behind people's backs in a godly way.
Is there such thing as a godly gossip?

He was the type of person that would enjoy telling others about how well his friends are doing.
For example,
"Did you you know that __________ has a lot of wisdom?"
"Did you know that ___________ is a huge encouragement for me spiritually?"
"I admire the way ____________ trusted God through that tough time."

Maybe the only way to stop the sin of gossip is to begin to gossip more in a godly way.

Webster defines gossip as a person who habitually reveals personal or sensational facts about others.

What would seeboo be like if we all were more like Epaphras?

Let's talk behind people's backs!!!


RobinDayle said...

I found you.
It's time for you to add me to your blogroll... :-)

Wow, we are totally becoming real-friends this summer.

A.J. Soldo said...

Rick. What an interesting topic. I am inspired and I think I will bing this up in my next small group. Thanks Mr. D!

Merea said...

I must say your attempt at entering the blog world is pathetic. Good TWO posts. Seriously Rick, you have time, you're and RD and its the summertime! =) jk

morganP said...

Wow. At first I was a little surprised by the title of the blog, but after reading it, I DEFINITELY agree. well done. kudos.

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